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Dear Violetian, welcome to the documentation of Violet! These documents serve as a comprehensive guide to understand the inner workings of Violet, its features and its potential. Whether you are a developer, an enthusiast or simply curious about Violet, this documentation will provide valuable insights into the project.

Now, let's get real for a moment. Violet is a project by a single person (me truly), so while I've poured my heart and soul into it, there may be a few quirks or hiccups along the way. If you spot any bugs, glitches or have ideas for improvement, please don't hold back—your feedback is invaluable!

Thank you for joining me on this exciting adventure with Violet. Let's unlock the full potential of your digital world.

What is Violet?

Violet is an advanced operating system that redefines the computing experience by merging cutting-edge technologies, privacy-focused features and smooth user interactions. Violet is a next-generation computing environment that allows Violetians to explore the digital world with confidence and comfort; developed with a strong emphasis on security, performance and user-centric design.

It is based on the Rust at its heart, which provides a modern and secure basis for the whole ecosystem. Rust supports Violet's strong performance by focusing on memory safety, concurrency and speed.

Imagine an operating system that combines the best features of macOS, Linux and Windows, while pushing the boundaries of performance, security and customization. That's exactly what Violet aims to achieve.

Our Commitments

  1. Privacy and Data Ownership: We believe that data privacy is a fundamental right. We are committed to protecting your personal information and giving you complete control over your data. We allow you to manage your identity safely and ethically with decentralized identity management and blockchain technology. Your data is yours, and we respect your privacy at every step of the way.
  2. Security: To protect your data from threats, we use cutting-edge encryption, strict security measures and real-time monitoring.
  3. Accessibility: Violet aims to be accessible to everyone. We focus creating user-friendly interfaces, supporting a wide range of hardware and assistive technology.
  4. Quantum-Ready Architecture: Violet adopts a quantum-ready architecture in anticipation of the future of quantum computing. We use quantum-safe cryptography to protect your data from possible dangers posed by quantum computers. We guarantee that your information stays private and secret even as new technologies emerge.
  5. Innovation: Violet's evolution is built on innovation. We are committed to pushing boundaries of computers. Violet's commitment to constant improvement keeps it at the forefront of technological advancement.


Violet's architecture is designed with modularity, performance and flexibility in mind. It consists of several key components that work together harmoniously to create an efficient operating system.

Kernel (Nova)

Refer to this document.

At the heart of Violet lies the microkernel named Nova. The kernel provides the foundation for all system applications and facilitates communication between the hardware and software layers. It ensures the efficient utilization of system resources, enforces security measures, manages processes and memory.


The system encompasses all the essential system-level functionalities and services that enable the smooth operation of Violet. This includes the management of user accounts, permissions, file systems, networking, security and system configurations. The system component acts as the intermediary between the kernel and the user-facing applications, ensuring proper coordination and execution of system-level tasks.

Desktop Environment

Refer to this document.

The desktop environment in Violet, known as Aurora, provides the user interface for interacting with the operating system and its applications. It encompasses the graphical elements, window management, application launchers, taskbars and other visual components that make up the user experience. Aurora offers a modern, intuitive and customizable interface, allowing users to personalize their desktop, switch between applications, and access system features efficiently.