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Understanding the Spectrum of Open Source and Closed Source in Violet

· 2 min read

Dear Violetians,

We're here today to explore the ideas behind Violet, our operating system that stands at the crossroads of open source and closed source software. We invite you to join us on this journey as we explore the choices that have shaped the direction of Violet's development.

The Transition

Our embrace of closed source is not a destination but rather a strategic channel that strengthens our base. This strategy enables us to establish a strong foundation before welcoming the outside world. We can promise you that this journey is not about closing off possibilities but preparing the path for future exploration. It's not a barrier; a loving shield to preserve the brilliance that defines Violet.

Illuminating the Path

Our beliefs remain centered on transparency and we value building sincere relationships with Violetians. We want to be sincere about the closed source nature of Violet, even though some components of Violet are open-sourced. However, let this not cast a shadow that makes it harder for us to see!

We see the transition to closed source at this critical time as a bridge that connects our past and our future. It acts as a transition point between now and past Violet - more developed, safe and feature-rich.

Looking Ahead

We invite you to join us on this exciting path forward. Your insights and cooperation will continue to be invaluable as we continue to improve Violet and investigate new possibilities. Together, we shall keep pushing the limits of what an operating system is capable of.

We appreciate your participation in the Violet saga and are looking forward to an amazing future.

Happy Violeting! ✨💜

The Violet Team