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Meteor is the toolchain required to build Violet applications.


Meteor is built on several components that streamline the application development process:


The Builder is responsible for constructing application packages from manifests. It gives developers the ability to describe the features and needs of their applications, ensuring a smooth and uniform packaging process. Developers can easily package their works and share them with Violetians.

$ meteor build Meteor.toml -o HelloViolet.vap


The Publisher takes center stage after an application has been designed and packaged. This component enables developers to securely sign their applications and simply publish them to the Violet Store. With the Publisher's support, developers may reach a large of Violetians, making their applications accessible to Violetians all over the world.

$ meteor sign HelloViolet.vap
$ meteor publish HelloViolet.vap

External Compiler Integration

Meteor is built with flexibility in mind. This integration enables developers to fully utilize the capabilities of modern programming languages while creating Violet apps.

Meteor enables developers to write code in their preferred language while taking benefit of its features, performance improvements and ecosystem by utilizing external compilers. Using Rust as the programming language for your Violet application, for example, lets you to take use of its memory safety support.