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Permissions are used to control what applications can do or not.

Level of Permissions

Permissions are divided into the following categories:

  • Basic (B): basic permissions, like window creation, which are granted automatically by default
  • Implicit (I): ermissions implied by the usage of an application, like opening a file with an application grants it an access while the application is running
  • Global (G): accessing and modifying non-critical parts of the state of the system, like controlling the global volume or reading
  • Sensitive (S): accessing sensitive informations, like filesystem or network access
  • Privacy (P): accessing privacy-related data, like microphone or webcam access

If applications request permission from the user to get sensitive and privacy permissions while using them, a popup will shown:

  • Only one time
  • For the active application
  • For the current session
  • Forever

User Privileges

Some permissions require the user to have specific privileges, such as being administrator. These permissions are marked in this document with an {A}.

List of Permissions


  • (P) devices.enum: enumerate devices
  • (P) devices.subscribe: subscribe to devices
  • (P) devices.register_driver: register a device driver
  • (P) devices.ask_driver: ask a device's driver to perform a method


  • (S) fs.filesystems.mounted: check if a given filesystem is mounteds
  • (S) fs.filesystems.metadata: get metadata on a given filesystem
  • (S) fs.filesystems.list: enumerate mounted filesystems
  • (S) fs.filesystems.mount: mount an existing filesystem
  • (S) fs.filesystems.unmount: unmount filesystems mounted by other applications
  • (S) be notified when a filesystem is (un)mounted
  • (S) fs.filesystems.format: format an existing filesystem

Filesystem Elements

  • (S) fs.items.exists: check if an item exists at a given path
  • (S) fs.items.metadata: get metadata on a given item
  • (S) fs.items.create: create new filesystem elements
  • (S) fs.items.move: rename and move existing filesystem elements
  • (S) fs.items.remove.trash: send items to the current user's trash
  • (S) fs.items.remove: delete items permanently


  • (S) flow.list: list flows opened by all applications
  • (S) flow.metadata: get metadata on flows
  • (B) flow.create: create flows
  • (S) read from flow
  • (S) flow.write: write to flow


  • (S) net.fetch: fetch a resource
  • (S) net.expose: listen to a specific port


  • (B) get the current date
  • (B) get the current time
  • (B) get the current timezone
  • (S) get the current user's name
  • (S) get the current user's avatar
  • (B) system.hw.cpu.count: get the number of CPUs
  • (G) system.hw.cpu.list: list CPUs
  • (B) get the amount of total memory
  • (B) system.hw.mem.available: get the amount of available memory
  • (G) system.hw.mem.slots: get the number of RAM slots
  • (G) system.hw.mem.list: list RAM slots


  • (S) + {A} programs.running.processes: get the list of running processes
  • (S) programs.running.apps: get the list of running applications

System-reserved Permissions

  • sys.process.kill: suspend or kill external processes
  • sys.process.signal: send a signal to an external process